Nourish and Hydrate: Essential Body Care Tips for Every Season

August 6, 2024

From the scorching heat of summer to the harsh cold of winter, each season brings its own set of challenges and demands for our skin. Understanding how to keep your skin nourished and hydrated all year round is essential for maintaining a radiant complexion.


At Myrah, a professional body care destination in Mumbai, we understand the importance of adapting your body care routine to meet these seasonal needs. With over a decade of experience, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service for body wellness

Here are some of our expert tips to elevate your body care routine to a whole new level of effectiveness

  1. Use Sunscreen All Year Long

Sunscreen is essential for your body care routine, regardless of the season. UV rays can cause long-term damage to your skin, even on cloudy days. Hence, we recommend generously applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to all exposed skin, including the neck and hands. 

If you’re outdoors, remember to reapply every four hours. Protecting your skin from the sun is the first step in maintaining its health and youthfulness.

  1. Pay Attention to Your Skin’s Unique Needs

It’s important to understand your skin’s specific needs for effective care. Your skin may be oily, dry, sensitive, or a combination of these, and each type requires different treatments. 

For example, dry skin benefits from richer, more soothing moisturizers, while oily skin may need lighter, non-comedogenic options. At Myrah, we can help you identify your skin type and recommend the best products and treatments tailored to your needs.

  1. Don’t Skip Moisturizer

Moisturizing is key to keeping your skin hydrated and maintaining its elasticity. Even if your skin feels oily, skipping moisturizer can lead to dehydration and excess oil production. 

Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and the season; for instance, use a heavier cream in winter to combat dryness and a lighter lotion in the summer to avoid clogging pores. Ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides are excellent for locking in moisture and keeping your skin supple.

  1. Exfoliate Regularly but Gently

Regular exfoliation is important for removing dead skin cells and getting a smoother, more radiant complexion. It’s crucial to exfoliate gently to avoid harming your skin barrier. Try to exfoliate once or twice a week using products with mild exfoliants like fruit enzymes or lactic acid. 

  1. Adjust Your Diet to Support Skin Health

Your diet is your organic body care, with a significant impact on your skin’s health. So, make sure you are consuming a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants. 

This hydration from within improves your skin’s appearance and resilience. During the summer, it is suggested to eat water-rich fruits and vegetables, and in the winter, include nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens and nuts to provide your skin with essential vitamins and minerals.

Nourish and Hydrate with Myrah

At Myrah Spa, we offer an array of luxury body care spa treatments designed to nourish and hydrate your skin, ensuring it looks and feels its best regardless of the season.

  • Detox Polish

Opt for our ‘Detox Polish’ to experience a moisturizing body scrub that eliminates cellulite and improves your skin tone and texture. This treatment rejuvenates your skin from within, giving it a luminous look.

  • Fruit Enzyme Polish

Pamper yourself with our ‘Fruit Enzyme Polish’ for mild exfoliation with natural and seasonal fruit enzymes. This treatment leaves your skin smooth and energized, eliminating the need for harsh cleaning.

  • Luxury Envelopment

Indulge in our ‘Luxury Envelopment’ to improve your skin elasticity and get a youthful look. This treatment embodies luxury, offering deep hydration and regeneration.

  • Detox Journey 

Spoil yourself with our ‘Detox Journey’ for total cleansing. This experience starts with a soothing lymphatic drainage massage, then moves on to the Detossinante treatment, which detoxifies the skin, and concludes with a detox face treatment. It takes a comprehensive approach to revitalising your body and skin.

In summary, with proactive, consistent care and suitable treatments, you can maintain beautiful, resilient skin year-round. So, with these tips, embrace the changing seasons with confidence, knowing that your skin is well-cared for and ready to handle any weather.

Planning Your Essential Body Care Tips for Every Season with Myrah

Our expert staff at Myrah is dedicated to helping you tailor your body care routine to suit the specific needs of each season. With personalized advice and customized care plans, we ensure your skin receives the attention it deserves. 

Our serene environment and exceptional hospitality create an oasis where you can escape the stresses of everyday life and focus on your well-being.

Now, your search for ‘body spa near me’ ends here. Let Myrah be your sanctuary for luxury body treatments in Mumbai as you set off on a journey to timeless beauty!

Contact us at +91 9967797475 or visit our website to connect with any of our Mumbai locations in Santacruz, Juhu, or Marine Drive and schedule your body wellness appointment today.

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